Dentures & Partial Dentures

a woman with white hair and a smile on her face

Dentures & Partial Dentures in Orange, CA

Some people hear the word “dentures” and think they’re only for seniors. That isn’t the case, though. According to the CDC, adult tooth loss has been on the decline for roughly 70 years. As such, many Americans are turning to dentures to improve their smiles, restore their speech, and enjoy eating their favorite foods again. Made of durable stain-resistant porcelain or resin, full and partial dentures fill gaps created in the mouth by missing teeth and can restore a patient’s oral health and self-confidence. Dentures and partial dentures are available at Orange Premier Dental in Orange and the surrounding area. We offer a variety of tooth replacement options. If you are ready to learn more about dentures and how they can benefit your oral health, contact the staff here at Orange Premier Dental. We’re happy to talk to you about our denture and partial denture services.

Full Dentures Vs. Partial Dentures

Patients can choose from two different types of dentures: full and partial dentures.

Partial dentures are ideal for patients who have lost multiple teeth but still have plenty of healthy, natural teeth remaining. Partial dentures are also a good option for patients who have several decaying teeth that require extraction to prevent infection and other dental problems. Since partial dentures are less expensive than full dentures, they’re also a good option for budget-focused patients.

Full dentures, on the other hand, are ideal for patients who have lost all their teeth and now require total dental reconstruction.

Here at Orange Premier Dental, we customize dentures to fit your unique dental structure and address your dental concerns. The result is a comfortable, natural-looking solution you can rely on for years to come.

an older woman smiling in front of a house

The Benefits Of Dentures

While it’s normal to be nervous about getting dentures, this procedure offers a host of benefits. Here are some of the largest:

  • Dentures can boost your self-confidence and restore your self-esteem.
  • Dentures improve the appearance and structure of your smile.
  • Dentures support your facial structure and muscles, preventing facial “slumping.”
  • Dentures can improve speech patterns and reduce lisping or slurring resulting from missing teeth.
  • Dentures provide a strong, durable chewing surface, which allows patients to eat the food they love.
  • Modern dentures are streamlined, comfortable, and easy to clean and maintain.
  • It’s easy to remove dentures at night or to clean them.
  • Most dental insurance benefit plans cover dentures.
a man and a woman sitting on a couch

Getting Dentures In Orange, CA: What To Expect

If you’re getting dentures at Orange Premier Dental, here’s what you can expect from the procedure:

Initial Consultation

During your initial consultation, our team will discuss the benefits and challenges of wearing dentures. We’ll conduct a thorough dental exam, answer any questions you may have, and create a treatment plan focused on fitting you for dentures and installing the prosthetics.

We’ll take X-rays and impressions of your mouth and conduct a review of your health history, including any current medications or recent surgeries.

Construction and Placement of the Dentures

Once we’ve taken X-rays, we’ll send them to the lab to facilitate construction of the dentures. We’ll schedule a follow-up appointment with you to install the prosthetic.

During this appointment, our dentist will remove any remaining compromised teeth and place your new dentures. While some dentures can be placed immediately, patients who require extensive preliminary dental procedures may need to wait for their gums to heal first.

Follow-up Appointments

Once your new dentures are in, we’ll schedule follow-up appointments to check on and maintain your new dentures. We’ll discuss proper care and cleaning and what you can do to make sure your dentures last as long as possible.

Orange Premier Dental: Reliable Denture Services In Orange, CA

If you have missing or damaged teeth, dentures can restore your confidence and self-esteem and help you get back to the foods and activities you love.

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