Root Canal Treatment

a smiling man with his arms crossed

Root Canal Treatment in Orange, CA

If you have a severely compromised tooth, a root canal may be necessary. Root canal treatment removes the infected pulp of a tooth, ridding the tooth of infection and preparing it for a filling. In addition to getting rid of the pain and discomfort caused by an infected tooth, root canals reduce the risk of infection spread and help protect your overall oral health.

Here at Orange Premier Dental, our team of experienced dental experts provides root canal treatment for patients in and around the Orange, CA, area. We’ll help resolve your pain and restore your dental health - sometimes in as little as one appointment.

Why is a Root Canal Necessary?

Sometimes, when a tooth becomes infected, the infection spreads to the center of the tooth, also known as the dental pulp. The dental pulp contains the nerves, connective tissue, and blood vessels associated with the tooth, all of which are sensitive and highly receptive to pain. When the tooth becomes painful, that’s a sure sign that it is infected and requires root canal treatment.

One-visit Root Canals
in Orange, CA

We know that your time is valuable, and we go above and so beyond to respect that. One of the ways we make dental care convenient for you is to offer one-visit root canal treatments. When you visit us, we’ll evaluate your painful tooth and determine a course of treatment. Sometimes we can perform the root canal right then and there, saving you a return trip to our office and allowing you to return to your everyday life healthy and pain-free.

a person is working on a piece of metal

The Root Canal Procedure

If you’ve never had a root canal before, it’s normal to be a bit nervous. To help you understand what to expect from the procedure, here’s a breakdown:

A Preliminary Exam

Before we begin your root canal, we’ll perform a routine dental exam of your mouth, teeth, and gums. During this exam, we’ll look for areas of increased sensitivity or anything else we need to be mindful of during the procedure.

Removal of Dental Pulp

Next, we’ll create a small hole in the tooth, which allows us to remove the infected dental pulp. If the infection is severe, we may also remove the dental roots. Since you only need the dental roots to feel sensations like hot and cold, removing them will not affect the functionality of your teeth. Once we’ve done this, we will clean and seal the area to make sure that the infection is gone.


It’s normal to be sore for a few days after a root canal procedure. We may recommend some over-the-counter painkillers to help manage discomfort. We will typically prescribe antibiotics as well. These antibiotics protect you from lingering infections and help your body speed up the healing process.

Orange Premier Dental: Your Trusted Source
for One-Visit Root Canals

Protect your oral health without sacrificing your free time. Here at Orange Premier Dental, our team specializes in professional, high-quality, one-visit root canals for our patients.

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a woman with long red hair and a smile
a woman with red hair and glasses smiling