Teeth Cleaning

a woman with long blonde hair is making a funny face

Teeth Cleaning in Orange, CA

You brush your teeth every day, but did you know that brushing alone doesn’t deep-clean the dental surface? While daily brushing and flossing keep bacteria under control, only professional tooth cleaning can truly get rid of plaque and bacteria buildup and restore your teeth to pristine condition.
Here at Orange Premier Dental, our team of experienced dental experts provides tooth cleaning services for the whole family. Whether you need a routine cleaning for yourself or a first cleaning for a child or a loved one, our team is here for you.

The Benefits Of Professional Teeth Cleaning

Here are a few of the major benefits of teeth cleaning from Orange Premier Dental:

Plaque Removal. Over time, tartar and plaque build up on your teeth - both above and below the gum line. Eventually, this buildup can cause a variety of issues, including gum disease, bad breath, and dental decay. Even with proper daily brushing and flossing, it is impossible to remove all bacteria, debris, and deposits from the pockets of the teeth and gums. Fortunately, the combination of professional experience and specialized equipment removes all the buildup on your teeth, making it easier to catch damaging dental conditions before they become a serious issue.

a woman sitting in a dentist chair giving a thumbs up
a woman with glasses standing with her arms crossed

A More Beautiful Smile. In addition to removing plaque and tartar buildup, professional teeth cleaning removes stains and discoloration. The result is a whiter, brighter smile that helps you look great and feel confident.

Fresher Breath. Few things are as embarrassing as bad breath. Also known as halitosis, bad breath is usually a sign of gum disease. By removing rotting food particles from below the gum line and removing bad bacteria from the mouth, professional tooth cleaning stops bad breath in its tracks and helps protect your oral health both now and in the future.

The Dental Cleaning Process: What to Expect

If you’ve never had a dental cleaning before, you’ll be happy to know it’s a simple, straightforward process. Here’s what you can expect when you work with Orange Premier Dental for tooth cleaning:

The Preliminary Dental Exam

First, the dental hygienist or dentist will conduct a thorough examination of your mouth, teeth, and gums. This exam helps them assess your overall oral health and identify any problem areas that require special attention. The exam will be completed using a small mirror to check the teeth and gums for signs of inflammation or infection.

Teeth Cleaning

Next, the dentist or hygienist will use special tools to clean your mouth and get rid of plaque around the gum line. While you’ll hear plenty of scraping, the process is painless and safe for your mouth and teeth.

Laser Bacterial Reduction Therapy

Following teeth cleaning, LBR (laser bacterial reduction therapy) is used to kill bacteria in hard to reach places, down to the microscopic level. Using a non-cutting laser, this treatment is effective in preventing inflammation and periodontal disease.

The Final Polish

Finally, when the dentist or hygienist has cleaned all the plaque and tartar from your teeth, they’ll finish the job by polishing your teeth with a gritty toothpaste. The gritty consistency of the paste gently scrubs the teeth and polishes the surface, leaving them stain-free, gleaming, and healthy.

Orange Premier Dental: Your Source
For Professional Teeth Cleaning

Routine tooth cleaning helps stave off dental problems and gives you a more beautiful smile.

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a woman with a smile on her face
a woman with long blonde hair posing for a picture
a woman with long red hair and a smile
a woman with red hair and glasses smiling